How do fabric texture photos increase Lululemon's online sales?

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How do fabric texture photos increase Lululemon's online sales?


Super Flat lighting, but contrast is must 

Camera Angle

Straight and vertical. No tilt! 


No drop shadow


Camera perspective is important to keep the textile pattern undistorted


More and more brands are now showing the material of fabrics. Apart from looking good, customers seem to care more about comfort. There is data indicating that images with fabric descriptions lead to higher conversion rates.

When shooting textiles, two points need attention:

  1. The shooting angle should be as vertical as possible to avoid distortion. The lens should also be free of distortion to prevent patterns on the product from appearing non-parallel or asymmetrical at the top. This phenomenon can damage your product's image.
  2. In even lighting conditions, strong shadows are still needed. Shadows can indicate the thickness of your fabric.

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