Outdoor Voices

Outdoor Voice Commercial Photography Ideas

Outdoor Voice commercial photography ideas are the focus of our analysis on the brand's product images. We've identified three photo templates with the highest occurrence and engagement rates for eCommerce businesses to replicate. Outdoor Voice commercial photography ideas include: 1) flat lay clothing photography, 2) models for product photography, and 3) model product photography. These styles are essential for apparel photography and branding photoshoots, offering valuable insights for improving your own product presentations.
Outdoor Voice Commercial Photography Ideas

Outdoor Voice commercial photography ideas are targeted towards eCommerce businesses in the clothing sector, focusing on their key consumer base. This article addresses common challenges such as a lack of creative photography ideas and outdated techniques. By reading, eCommerce sellers can gain valuable samples and inspiration for their product presentation. However, it primarily showcases Outdoor Voices' preferred methods of product photography. For a broader array of clothing product photography ideas, consider the "Clothing Product Photography Samples" or request a complimentary analysis of your brand. The following content will detail three classic photography styles used by Outdoor Voices: 1) flat lay clothing photography, 2) models for product photography, and 3) model product photography, complete with sample images for readers to emulate, collect, and reference. This article aims to improve your apparel photography and branding photoshoot techniques.

Photo Shooting Style 1: Flat Lay Clothing Photography

Flat lay clothing photography involves arranging garments and accessories neatly on a flat surface and photographing them from above. This method is characterized by its simplicity and the clear presentation of each item.

The distinctive features of flat lay photography include a clean, neutral background, and even lighting that minimizes shadows. The composition is often symmetrical, with items arranged in a visually appealing manner to highlight their features and details. This style uses minimal props to avoid distraction, focusing solely on the clothing and accessories.

Flat lay clothing photography benefits Outdoor Voices by providing a clear and detailed view of each product. This method allows customers to see the fabric texture, color, and design without distractions. It emphasizes the brand’s commitment to simplicity and functionality, making it easier for customers to envision how the pieces can be incorporated into their wardrobe. Additionally, this style is versatile and can be easily used across various digital platforms, enhancing the brand's visual consistency.

See more related flat lay photoshoot samples.

Photo Shooting Style 2: Models for Product Photography

Models for product photography involve using live models to showcase clothing. This style highlights how garments fit and move on a human body, providing a realistic representation of the product.

Key characteristics of this style include natural or staged backgrounds that complement the clothing, dynamic poses to showcase different angles and aspects of the garments, and natural lighting to enhance the product’s appearance. Models often engage in activities that resonate with the brand’s image, such as sports or casual settings, to create relatable and aspirational imagery.

Using models for product photography benefits Outdoor Voices by creating an emotional connection with the audience. It allows customers to see how the clothing fits and moves, which can be crucial for activewear. This style also helps to communicate the brand’s lifestyle and values, such as health, fitness, and comfort. It enhances customer engagement by presenting the products in real-life scenarios, making it easier for customers to relate to and imagine themselves wearing the items.

See more related lifestyle model photoshoot samples.

Photo Shooting Style 3: Model Product Photography

Model product photography focuses on capturing models in studio settings, emphasizing the clothing they are wearing. This style combines the clarity of studio photography with the dynamic element of live modeling.

Characteristics of model product photography include a controlled environment with consistent lighting and a neutral background that keeps the focus on the clothing. Models are typically posed in ways that highlight the fit and features of the garments. This style often employs various angles and close-up shots to showcase details such as stitching, fabric quality, and unique design elements.

Model product photography benefits Outdoor Voices by providing high-quality, detailed images that highlight the craftsmanship and design of their products. This style ensures that every aspect of the clothing is visible and well-presented, making it appealing to potential customers. It also reinforces the brand’s image of quality and style, encouraging customer trust and enhancing the overall shopping experience. By combining the advantages of live modeling with the precision of studio photography, this method effectively showcases the versatility and appeal of Outdoor Voices’ products.


The article reviewed key product photography methods used by Outdoor Voices, including flat lay clothing photography, models for product photography, and model product photography. These methods are tailored to Outdoor Voices' brand. For more creative ideas, explore "Clothing Product Photography Samples" or request a complimentary analysis by sharing your brand of interest.


Photo Source: https://www.outdoorvoices.com/ 

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